Friday, August 9, 2013

Final Paper

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.

Each of us humans is strong, creative, very opened-minded individuals that all have many different talents and personalities. Sometimes people can’t decipher from the good and the bad or what’s right and what’s wrong for them. Everything in life is certainly a challenge and a struggle. If we take a step back and take a look at the entire package, you might find out things you didn’t know before. Figuring out who you are, certainly another challenge, the who, what, where, when and how we even made it through each and every obstacles that caused each individual madness and frustration, as it still does today.
In this novel, Into the Wild by Jon Krakaeur talks about a young boy who struggled thought ups and downs within his family. His own father was living a lie; he had already had another family. That’s what makes Chris a bit angry with his own father. Chris had everything he wanted, but he felt it wasn’t enough, he was still missing something. After Chris graduates he decides to take off and has his own journey in mind. He goes off into the wild with barley any food or water to survive. Just crazy if you asked me, but this is Chris’ life not mines. Eventually Chris doesn’t make it, ends up dying of starvation. What a horrible way to end your life but in reality that’s what Chris wanted.
Another example I am using for this paper is this film called The Passion Project by the student of Chabot College and Mr. McFarland himself. This film is based on student’s lives and how they feel about education and who they are and what they would like to become someday. Of course things don’t come easy and everything is a challenge. Parents get in the way as well as money, transportation, and all these new laws and regulations occurring day in and day out. In the end those who survive and follow their dreams as well as their hearts will become successful.
In this paper I will discuss problems and solutions about education, family, passion and privilege as well as equality and the many trials and tribulation of life. Also I will investigate the good and bad facts of life, especially sense a lot of people come from noting but yet still make the best out it and strive to be a great person and be successful. There are many people as well as students who strive to make a better path and life for themselves as well as their families no matter the struggle. That’s what this paper is about an I use myself as an example because I have been through the same issues that many people today still go through on a daily bases.
As we discuss the many ideas of passion, education, privilege, class we look at the trial and errors of each. From the great aspects of getting an education and so forth to passion and what your desires and needs and love for life are. As well as the equality and desire to feel some value of importance. With these thoughts in mind how do you address these matters to make sense to where we collaborate the facts that class, passion and education as well as equality play a big part in our daily lives? Some ideas are much more important and valuable to others, we all have different priorities and morals in our lives and some just don’t make any sense at all.  
First I'll start with how this book Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer which is about a young boy who came from a high class family who only wanted the best for himself. He certainly had everything he needed and wanted, he did have to ask for much, because his parents were willing and ready to give him all he wanted. His parents had money and both wanted the best for Chris their son, who wants more to life than the material things, he wants to go deeper with his thoughts and feelings about who he truly is and what his passion is. An example was, “In truth Mc Candless had been raised in the comfortable upper-middle-class environs” (pg19 Kaureur). Even thought Chris came from a good standing family, once again that didn’t mean much to him after all.  There was one big turn that I believe is the reason for Chris just disappearing like he did, and its cause he felt alone, isolated from who is really way and where he came from. After finding out his own father was living a lie, he already had a family elsewhere and yet he with Chris's mom and now that Chris knows this he totally reacts accordingly to his deep thoughts and feelings about it all and sets off to this world of being alone and fighting to stay alive with little food and survival things, he lose hope and eventually dies, fighting for so long this is where Chris wanted to be, sad yet true.
    One way that passion intersected with the book Into the Wild was with self- determination. Right after his college graduation he set off for a long adventurous journey into the wild. He came across many different people and always made the best out of each encounter. Christopher had this desire, this passion to be away from society, he wanted to just get away from it all. He tells his parents, "I think I'm going to disappear for a while" (pg 21 Krakauer). Shortly after that, he did just that and disappeared for a long time. Soon after he burned his id and cut all his credit cards and make sure he became anonymous. He definitely accomplished that goal, pretty gutsy move but that's something that he wanted, he hoped for, his passion so he did what he had to do to make sure he was happy no matter what. He felt that by making this move he might figure out what his passion truly is or who he really is. Another example was when he mentions how you have to just go with the flow at times, especially when you don’t understand. In this example, “It is in everything and anything we might experience. We just have to have the courage and turn against our habitual lifestyle and engage in unconventional living” (pg 57 Krakauer). Chris simply wanted to live his life, with less structure as possible; he wanted to be free from civilization and all responsibilities. This was his destination, his passion this is what he wanted and no one was going to stop him. When a person is driven to their passion, they have a goal and they most reach it, and no one will interfere with their battle to achieve what’s in their heart.
    Another way this book intersects with passion is equality, which comes from this fact that Chris wanted to feel some type of importance in life sense he wasn't getting it from his own family. We ask ourselves, do we think that if we make a decision right now, this moment, could or will it jeopardizes us in any way possible? Did Christopher think about that when he was hurting his family, not one bit? Does that make it right that he just left without saying anything, yes maybe? His parents were in fact worried about him and didn't know what to do or what had happened. His own father mentions, "That really scares us, say's Walt, "By that point we had absolutely no idea what Chris could be up to" (pg 31 Krakauer). Chris felt it was all a lie especially after he went to L.A and met some family friends and they told him how his father was already married and had a family so Chris wasn't his first. His own father used to hit their mother and argued all the time, even in front of Chris and his sister. So Chris left to find some equality within him sense he couldn't get any from neither one of his own parents. Another example from this is, “Eventually Chris rebelled, when he finally did, it was with characteristic immoderation. He told his sister he finally reached his breaking point” (Krakauer). He set off on a journey anonymously and continued his passion to find equality and freedom from all society and all of its rules and regulations about life; he just wanted to be free from it all no worries whatsoever. He felt that he would be happier out in the wild instead of feeling like an animal living in the zoo with all the lies and nonsense already going on in his own home. Instead he just left, and no one knew about his where bout’s at all, which was what Chris wanted.
   A third way that this book Into the Wild intersects with passion is this concept of class is based on how wealthy his family was so he came up with very good standings, went to a good school had a car, lived in a big home, his parents both worked. The father worked for NASA as a scientist. So we get the picture, and right after his graduation Chris meets with his parents and they tell him they want to buy him a new car in case his old one breaks down or falls apart. He mentions how he doesn't want the materials things in life, he wants deeper, like love and honestly and loyalty. He doesn't get that from them, so he feels like he doesn't owe them anything. Chris tells us this in one of his journals, "I'm going to have to be real careful not to accept any gifts from them in the future because they will think they have bought my respect” (pg 21 Krakauer). He gets a bit angry and questions them back and tells them how he is not interested in the fancy cars and material things, he doesn't want anything, and those things aren't what are important to him. Chris wants more than these materialistic things, he wants to feel like he is loved and what’s to feel like he is special and came become a real man like his own father, but actually it’s the opposite. His own father betrayed him and his mother and sister, so why would anyone want to become like this man, father figure at that. This shows how you can have everything and still felt like it's never enough, all Chris wanted was to feel equal to his own family as well as his own father, but he felt as if he didn’t have anyone but himself which is why we left into the wild anonymously. “Only a life lived for others are a life worthwhile.” This quote which I found on the internet explains in reference to this story how a boy struggled to find himself and through others he felt as if he could live his life and figure out his destiny, I do believe that sometimes these issues come up and it's hard to say if this is true or not, but through this story and many others I do believe this quote to be right on point with a compare and contrast model that can help an individual find themselves or at least a step in the right direction.
Whatever your passion; Explore it, Go for it, let it flow! Watching this movie, The Passion Project gave me a lot of insight about my future and who I am and what my passion truly is and my struggle through it all. I will never forget the first time my best friend s mom asked me, "Stephanie have you found yourself?" I laugh about this all the time, but it was true, she was just curious if I found my passion for life. It’s like you have to know what desires you have each day you wake up. What drives you into this world with many ideas and career’s? It definitely took me a long time to figure it out until one day a friend ask me, "Steph why don't you look into Photography, you’re always taking pictures." I thought that might be a good idea and I should look into it, and now I've been doing Photography for 5 years now and still pursuing my career and now thinking of combining graphics design with it as well. It’s now a part of me and I can only shape and form a better future for myself. An example from The Passion Project movie Tiffany mentions this important fact, “It’s something that drives you that excites you, makes you feel good.” That is exactly what passion is, and that is why I enjoy taking photos, it’s something about life that speaks to me a way no one else can. I never thought I would doing what I am doing today, but truthfully if you figure out what your strengths and weakness are in life you should be able to pin point your passion and the rest should follow and flow like it was second nature. Just like this quote I found on the internet as well, “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” Without this there is no purpose, you can't have life. Find yourself and figure out what makes you happy. Soon you will have sense of what your desires and passion of life is. When you make it this far, get out there and make it happen, only you hold the power to do so!
With that in mind take a look at how the differences between passion and privilege matter and yet are similar. The difference between these two concepts varies in many different ways, meaning there could be more than one answer for this. Passion is something you love to do, you desire to do, something that just comes naturally because you love it so much. Were as privilege is something that can’t be seen, in fact it's the complete opposite of passion. Privilege can be seen as something that you have or it could be anything of value, meaning who you are individually. For example your religion could be a privilege or even how you were brought up in this world, meaning your class. In the book The Bread Givers by Yezierska, the youngest sister who comes from a family of religion and old fashion rules, wants an education and more to life than she was given but the other’s disagree, “Come, Bessie Let’s leave her to her mad education. She’s worse than Father with his Holy Torah” (pg 178 Yezierska). This young girl had passion for education and to become what she wanted to become and not what her father or other’s in her family thought of her, she continued to fulfill her dreams. No matter the consequences she was a brave girl who knew what she wanted out of life. Those are things that could be considered examples of privilege. Another example between these two concepts is that passion comes naturally, because it's something you love to do and you do it alone, like being your own leader yet privilege is something that you end up doing because others are as well, for example following the leader instead of being a leader. So the difference between them two is being a leader verses being a follower. When you lead you follow your own heart and mind. When you follow you not only following someone else's heart and wishes but you’re not standing for what you as the individual believes in. Like they say if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything. A example of this comes from the video The Passion Project this quote in the beginning from Ray makes sense to this, "in order to love life you have to find your passion; you have to find what truly makes you happy and when you find what truly makes you happy you gata chase after it; you gata take those risks." He's saying in order to enjoy life you first must find your passion and when you find your passion you will then have to continue chasing after it and thus taking risks which could lead you in the wrong path or the right path, sometimes you have no choice to do certain things especially when you’re only trying to succeed and become a better person and be able to help the next individual find themselves as well. This is where both passion and privilege could have some sort of connection, meaning to find your passion you have to take risks' these risk's could damage you or help you and that's what privilege does at times, not knowing what the outcomes is could be detrimental, but you do it anyways to help you determine your next step in success and or your desire and passion for your life, something like that. Just like photography, we develop through the negatives & together come up with a theory that we all develop differently but yet were all looking for our life's purpose and figure out our passion and develop thorough these many obstacles we face and become a success in life!
Now let’s take a step back just for a second, this video I found was very interesting about how low-income communities, such as east Oakland need the help and support to help one another succeed instead of killing one another. A huge battle we, the world faces every day. I also feel a connection with this subject in reference to privilege as well. If only we could change the way people thought or even change how we talk, or act in a matter of seconds, life could be much greater view to look at over all, yet the grass certainly isn’t always green on the other side though neither. In this video by Jeff Andrade named Growing Roses in concrete found on YouTube about how we can help others with change and build a house with bricks thrown at you, deeply touched me in many ways, in fact I struggle day in and day out just like you, and you. Sometimes you have to step out of your element, for example Samira in The Passion Project film mentions this, “Alleviating that stress. It doesn’t change that’s going on outside of you but it starts it slowly will start to change how you deal with it. Knowing that I can come here every day; it’s a safe environment. I can do what I need to do.” If you just take yourself out of the mess or maybe just maybe you could get something better out of your life by simply taking yourself out of all the hardships around you. Sometimes that’s just what’s best if separate yourself from bad people and things around you and watch how much you blossom into a beautiful flower. My response to this video is very deep in the sense that I have seen and heard so many different things that’s it hard to grasp what I am truly trying to say. I mean that I feel that if people want change then they have to start with themselves. First find yourself figure out where your heading, find your goals and reach for the stars. If Obama can do it then so can you. Anyone can come from the bottom and still make their way out and become someone. It's up to you as the individual to make anything happen in your court. All these crimes and killing have to stop sometime, or else were only making our communities smaller and smaller. I’m certainly not making any type of justice with you as the people destroying your own city. These important people build youth center and after school programs for children who want to get out of that lifestyle and make a better one for them. A perfect example to this is spoken by the narrator of the The Passion Project film, “Instead of fearing mistakes we can learn to welcome them as a mentor teaching valuable skills of appreciation.” Everyone is going to have a different reaction, but if you’re scared of what’s going on around you, instead of being fearful, learn from it, and help others learn from it as well. We are all human and make mistakes. Wish we could read people’s minds, because some just don’t think about the consequences or just don’t care. I don't know what could or can’t happen but maybe if you watch this video you may have a different feeling or vibe from it, but in all reality, get up, get out and make a difference or just sit back and watch your entire world crumb piece by piece. It’s never too late, to become what you wanted or what you dreamed of always being.
Many students or even people struggle day in and day out with these obstacles we face daily. One thing that has been a struggle for me is school. It has always been difficult for me, especially since I have a learning disability and I have troubles understand many issues. No matter what I stuck through it all. My parents helped me a lot during high school by getting tutors for me left and right. That was the only possible way for me to get through high school. I wasn't going to give up no matter what. For example, in the movie The Passion Project, Emily say’s something and it’s exactly how I feel about learning, “Learning about other cultures, other ideas, other people, learning in general is like a passion to me.” I do struggle but indeed I enjoy learning especially when it’s something I’m interested in. Now today as I still struggle through college, money is also an issue I face each and every day. It's only been a rough road but I am still here and haven't given up. I believe in myself and when I got to college and got my first A and B I was stoked, Yay, I did it and all by myself. I knew that I could handle this with our without a disability. I was strong and made sure no matter what I was going to get my point across and make my way to reach my goals. I felt that was a huge deal breaker, meaning that I knew after the entire struggle that if I kept pushing myself I would make it as I did. No matter if I had a learning disability or I was low on funds, I didn't let that discourage me to thinking that I'm not good enough or I can't do this or that. I did the opposite, I made it happen and that was the best feeling in the world especially when others doubt you. Perfect example from the movie The Passion Project is when Katrina mentions “I need to survive so I need to get money enough money so first they think about that. They’re thinking about surviving-and passion-it could come after I guess.” Sometimes you have to make sacrifices in order to make the next step into your process of success. Nothing comes easy; it’s just definitely worth it all. Whether I had to share books or even go half with another student I made it happen. Just like my disability I didn't let those obstacles affect my goal to become a professional photographer, which is now my passion and I strive to make it happen. Step by step and speed bump by speed bump, I slowly but surely made my way to the next step and now I’m just a couple classes away from being a professional. I have made a lot of progress and still in the process of making better moves for myself to better my career. Since then I have sold 3 photos in each school show we had, and that there was a true sign that I was made for this, the art world is where I'm needed! Exactly my point, I have not failed with these struggles that I got through; I just simply find ways that won't work for me. The truth is you have to fail here and there in order to make it right and figure out your weakness and build that into strength and overcome your obstacles! I am now feeling like a professional photographer and have sold 3 images already.
As children we want to learn as well as grow and adventure out to different directions. Then we grow into adolescence & end up learning responsibilities and how to be independent and eventually adjust into adulthood where things only become difficult. No matter the struggle you must continue to keep on pushing through rain or snow. This one boy showed how much desire and passion he wanted to learn and get his education and demanding he get it the right way. If more teachers got involved with their student’s I could see a change in each student’s passion to learn and make something out of themselves. An example of this from The Passion Project movie is when Emily mentions, “They should consider passion because how can they invest in the student if they don’t know the student’s passion?” Exactly how I feel should happen, and more often, if teachers would get more into their students, a lot more could happen in favor to both parties.
On the other hand some students are simply fed up with teachers and want to actually learn, well let me tell you about this boy who did just that and was not necessarily rewarded but he certainly didn’t get in to trouble. After watching this video I would LOVE to meet this guy, I totally agree with him with the idea that teachers should put way more effort in their job and teach us individuals what we need to know. This boy had went back to school at 18 years old and after having a disagreement this guy Jeff totally calls out the teacher and tells her how she's lazy and to actually do her job as the teacher, have a passion to help student that are eager to learn. If not then don't be a teacher, choose another job that fits you better. Another example from The Passion Project is from Emily, “I’ve been in many classrooms where the teacher just teaches and doesn’t interact with the students much.” I see his point I also had to call a few teachers out myself here at Chabot College. Teachers feel like we’re lazy and were the ones half-assing things yet it's on them as the teacher to help us want to learn have fun with it; make it so we enjoy coming every day. I know I enjoy Mr.McFarlands class, because he makes it interesting, he's real, he's been one of us at one time and he has a passion to for helping others succeed. That’s what we students need!  Something interesting that happened was the boy never got in trouble, this video went viral and even on the news, I think this is what the world needed was for someone to finally stand up and say "Hey, were here to learn and to better ourselves and to become someone" and by teachers being lazy and not actually doing their jobs, certainly makes us students have the same affect and that’s not what us children need, we need strong, eager to teach and help others in need especially those that want to succeed. Here is the link for reference, Fed up Student. This guy just blew me away when I first watched it, but it's real, I feel like I'm there, Can You Feel it?
As a student I believe that you definitely should be able to critique a school that you either attend or will be attending. To some student's education is very important and they actually want to learn as much as possible to make a better life for themselves or maybe to help their families. So in essence, yes I do feel us students should be able to evaluate our teachers and figure out which teacher could help benefit our education verses those teachers who just do their job and don't care much about the students and who learns what. In my case and many other’s students who have learning disabilities and struggles in school should personally be able to get teachers who specialize in helping disability students. An example of this is when Romeo from The Passion Project says, “We can learn things about our self that we don’t know or other people by just listening to them.” This is very true which is why I like when we get into discussions about life and ourselves, I always have lots to say. I'm eager to learn a lot about everything, this is reality, this is my life and I want to know about everything so I can further my direction and have a better vision on which direction I am heading and further more to challenge my fears of battling my learning disability. Which I have made a lot of progress, I am getting A's and B's and all by myself. No tutors or nothing, which makes me feel good and helps my self esteem. For example I have learned from each of my struggles and Tiffany from The Passion Project film replies to this by saying, “What you take in like it kinda like it shapes you, it molds you, like it defines you.” I'm here to help and tell those who have learning disabilities that it's ok, you’re going to make it, with just a little push from individuals like myself you too can feel as good as I do now, just keep on pushing through the speed bumps and you'll feel accomplished. This is how you will successful, take what you learned from yourself or others and let that help you shape and mold you into the person you dream of becoming.
Feel this for a moment, this is real and I felt it as soon as it touched me. With this idea of having student's evaluate themselves through their past, their families and struggles could give them a better sense of where they are in life this present moment and also to guide them into their future. Yes, I believe that each student should be able to take a step back and look into their "situation" at hand and figure out who they really are, what are my strengths, what are my weaknesses. What support do I have, if any? Who is willing to support me if I do this or what if I do that? Sometimes it could be the complete opposite and no one is there for you, or no one is willing to help or support your decisions you make. Next question, if you don't have anyone to help you and you feel alone, do you still push on through and follow your dreams, of course. For example in book Into the Wild mentions, “Do nothing in haste; look well into each step; and from the beginning think what may be the end” (pg200 Krakauer). After a while I bet someone somewhere will see you and will be willing to help you along your path of success. I have noticed through my many struggles that if others around you see that you’re going well, they will help you. If you’re screwing up and always messing around and not taking things seriously, then no one will be willing to help a hand. For example, when I went back to school for the 4th time, no one thought I would stick with it, but after a year of making progress, I showed those who doubted me how good I was doing, showed them my grades and how much improvement I made and after that my family started seeing a whole new person and they were willing to help, if and when they could. Now today I have sold 3 photos’ and have about 3 classes left and I will graduate. If you want the positive help and change you definitely have to work hard and earn it. It wasn't easy but in all it's definitely worth it all at the end. That’s the way the cookie crumbles, that's just life.
            All of your goals and dreams are different but each of us is achieving our goals with many obstacles in between. We all have to start somewhere and mostly from the beginning. If we don't start from the beginning, you will end up in a dilemma worse than before. In order to build a house you have to start from the ground up. With education it's the same thing, keep going to school to better your chances of success. After watching this video, I consider myself a dreamer pushing through forming myself into this idea of a laser. I have found my strengths and weaknesses through many battles I have faced throughout my journey. This is helping me conquering my next task during my path of success. An example of how I felt after I figured out where I wanted to go was spoken by Samira from The Passion Project film, “When I finally got into the world I was like, “Holy crap is this what it’s like?”  As of right now I wouldn't change much about what type of student I am today, because I have made progress and worked so hard to get to where I am today. I realized a lot after many battles of attempting to take my next step, but sometimes I would get things I wouldn’t expect or something like that. Things can certainly be a drag but most importantly it’s definitely worth it remember that. Things don’t go the way you want, you have to take risks and sacrifice things, that’s just how life works, well for those wanting certain things out of life. Another example of this is mentioned from Ray in the Passion Project film, “The reason why you would task risks is better outcome, so why wouldn’t you take a risk to pursue a better outcome.” You have to take risks in life and make sacrifices in order to get where you want to be. I made many sacrifices and went without many things I needed or wanted just to make it where I am right now, so brace yourself, these things don't come easy, but it's definitely worth it all at the end. This video Laser Video is where I came up with this idea about which type of a student I am, it’s definitely something I would recommend anyone lost in life. It gave me incites on things I didn’t think about, so maybe it can help you too.
At times us human beings can’t or just won’t try to figure out the true meaning of life and seriously can’t get their life in order, I believe it’s this idea that change is unknown; it’s almost scary to a lot of people. An interesting example that relate to this subject matter is the basics of getting what you want out of life, living happy and not making excuses. This video about this idea of wanting more out of life yet you just don’t have the means to do which leads to denial and never asking for help. I felt it definitely related to this topic about passion, privilege and this idea of change. It's about being yourself and keeping it real no matter what. If you need help with things ask a family member or someone who you trust, don’t just sit there and not try. If you want to make a change, then do so, don’t wait for anyone to do it for you. Tell the truth and know that you yourself are the one who makes a difference. Just like when people always tell you I’m fine. There’s this word the F word, FINE. People always say I'm fine, oh I’m ok. Well like Mel said, “Carrying around the extra 40 pounds, Your fine? Really? I don’t think so?” Tell the truth people, you know you’re not fine, or ok. It's okay to say you’re mad, sad, pissed off or whatever. I know it's hard to trust and to find your passion and take risk's to find "who you are" but in reality you just have to dedicate yourself. Were not all promised tomorrow or next year, make the best out of what you have. With any area of your life, you have the ability to get up and do it, meaning your job, your school, whatever it is that you do, you have the physical ability to do so, so stop wasting time and making excuses and just do it like Nike! Another example is when Mel from this video states, “Does someone who needs to go on a diet, go on a diet? No, Do you think they want to eat boil chicken and peas. I don’t think so?” It’s that push, that force that drives you to get up and do it with no questions asked. You have three choices so instead of making excuses, just give it all you got and you will have already given that much effort and will feel one step ahead of everyone else that did even try to give it all they got! Mel Robbins How to stop screwing yourself over this is the link for Mel Robbins who spoke the truth and nothing but the truth, defiantly a must see. This lady was incredible, she’s funny but most important she is speaking the truth and nothing but it. She makes sure she speaks to you and has you feeling the vibe that she wants you to feel. She even got down into the crowd and was very passionate about what her point she was trying to get across to everyone in the audience and those watching. I recommend this video to many whom can’t quite get the push to get over the “speed bumps” we deal with in life. Those things help us become better individuals.
Many of us struggle for one main goal; to be successful. I’m sure there are many reason’s or excuses as to why we all can’t be successful people, but in fact were all not meant to follow the leader, were more entitled to lead ourselves into many direction’s which can cause us to fail or to improve in our lives. Wither it’s a financial issue or maybe a religious or family issues to where school just isn’t for you. No problem, in fact school just isn’t for everyone and I know a few people who have made a successful lifestyle without attending college. For example my mother who didn’t graduate from college is a legal secretary and works for three to four different lawyers and she does a great job at doing so. Next is my father who was a truck driver for many years, which was something my father loved to do. Now today they own two homes three cars and still seem to put a smile on their face each and every day. So my point that I am going to be making is that; there are many trials and tribulation you will come across in life as a seeker, an dreamer, a entrepreneur trying to figure out where to go in life with many different obstacles and myth’s that can bring you up and benefit you and or bring you down. Sometimes all the way down but you are the future and you are the one who decides your destiny. Those that do, struggle to maintain during these ups and downs that education bring to the table. It’s certainly up to you as the individual to make the best out of everything and keep pushing through to better yourself and to become what you always dreamed to become, a success.
Success is the greatest feeling over everything. It gives you this feeling of accomplishment and achievement. Its vibe is greatly appreciated all over the nation. Who wouldn't want to feel successful or even someone close to you reaches success and helps you through your struggles to get to where they are today. I absolutely have people all around me to motivate me, to strive myself to achieve all my goals and to never ever give up. Success is definitely something you feel, that you have after years of accomplishments. Its' this idea of overcoming an obstacle that you either thought you couldn't achieve or that you struggled so hard for and in the end you achieved that goals and that is what you call success!
            One example of success that could make you or break you is economic success, having all the money, cars houses and all you could ever want in life. Having no worries in all, yes it was definitely a struggle or maybe it wasn't, but overall economic success could definitely go in both categories; this could make you a better person or this could just totally destroy your self confidence. Having too much pride and feeling like your unstoppable or no one is above you, a sense of cockiness as you could say. In fact having everything in the world, some people still feel like they don’t have it all and want more out of life. For instance in the book Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer Chris talks about why he burned the money before he set off into the wild his response was," I don't know how much more you can depend on"? Chris was discussing this was the hippy's wife and after she told him that you need to be cautions he replied as if he did care and just brushed it off like I don't need money to live in the woods. He destroys everything just for that reason to get away from society and civilization itself. Chris had it made, good education and came from a good standing family who was willing to help and support him no matter what. Yet he still didn't feel like it had enough for him to become successful. He was a good student as well; he was at a 3.72 to be exact. Another example of how good Chris’s background was, “Here is a copy of my final transcript. Grade wise things went pretty well and I ended up with a high cumulative average” (pg 21 Krakauer). He was a good student and achieved many goals and yet Chris still didn’t feel he was satisfied as a human being. In many cases it’s true; you could come from a good standing family and have a good job, and as a student have good grades and never seem to have much difficulty in any other areas. Sometimes things just happen and its how life goes. In Chris’s state I guess I could see both sides and why he made the choices he made. We are all different and have different issue we face, it’s up to the individual to deal with it the way they feel is needed.
            A second example of how success feels or how it can damage you is personal issues like self improvement. Maybe you had a bad past and did a lot of things you shouldn't have and now you need to fix it all and make your path a bit clearer to see down and enable yourself to become a success. Even thought his task maybe hard or easy depending on how you take it as the individual. For myself I went down a wrong path and it messed up a lot for me and my future but I seen it, I caught it and I am still here standing today and here to tell you so. In Chris's case it didn't take him very long to branch out and literally become invisible and Chris situation sure pulled him far away from his family. In the book as well as the movie his sister mentions something specific and interesting, "Violence, we were forced to witness it." (Into the Wild, film) This was exactly why Chris did what he did. He felt ashamed or maybe a bastard if you will. His father was a liar, unfaithful and just over all not a good father figure. His dad was living two different lives, literally he had another family. From a previous marriage where he had a son, which Chris found out from other relative and totally disowned his own family. This example is simple and to the point that Chris wasn’t the only child, “There were eight children in the extended family” (pg 20 Krakauer). I think after Chris found out, he felt his own father lived a lie. Chris’s own father was living two different lives or maybe even more who knows. As the solution Chris felt he wanted to just get away from all the lies and deceit. This is why people do the strange things they do to become success or whatnot, the way you grow up tells a lot about who you are and what you may become. Chris felt what he had to do, was in his heart that why he did what he did, it was his passion.
            Lastly, I thought the example of our resources could definitely affect us especially if were limited. Which ties to transportation for example which involves money, could certainly drive you up the latter to reach success or possibly down the latter and reach no success after all. Some people just don't have the means to send their children off to school, or college. Which is understandable, school or I should say college isn't for everyone. I know some people who didn't graduate college or even high school and have good paying jobs with benefits to help them maintain. Maintaining sometimes gets discouraging, we all have wants and needs but our needs are important. In the movie Chris tells his parents how he doesn't want a new car, after they tell him they would get him one, "I don't' a new car, no material things, none at all." He didn't want a new car he was perfectly fine with the one he had. Although this does makes sense material things come and go people don't. Money is so important for many reasons but we need a ruff over our heads and food in our stomachs and clothes on our backs. Those are most important to us without that life is certainly a struggle and could definitely prevent you from succeeding. In this movie/book Chris totally nails this idea to the tee. He came from a good family, went to a good school had a car and even had money, and yet he totally wasn't satisfied and lived alone, anonymously in the wild where he felt safe and could find passion. Another example was when Chris mentions how he doesn’t want anything from his mom and dad, “I’m going to have to be careful not to accept any gifts from them in the future because they will think they have bought my respect” (pg 21 Krakauer). Chris didn’t want anything from his family, he had enough of gifts and material things, those things didn’t make him happy, he wanted to be left alone, alone in the wild where no one or nothing could bother him. All he wanted was to feel free from all worries and civilization; those things bothered him all the time.

In conclusion we all must look at this as a guide to figure out who you are, where you really come from. You ask yourself, “Where are you to go from here,” there’s so much more to see and to learn. Don’t waste your time over analyzing every situation you come across or even people. People are going to be people, it’s that simple, no explanation. If people would take the time to think and take a look around at what they already have, they would realize their blessed and to accept it and continue to become a better individual each and every day. This life were given is all about exploring your many opinions. Just keep an open eye and know that things happen for a reason but you must know your fact from false accusation and be able to carry a good sense of what right verse wrong is as well, Things can happen and any time of the day or night, good or bad. If we want the bad to stop or to at least minimize it, we must come together as a whole and together make a difference and I bet you we could make this happen if people weren’t so diverse and overall judgmental and can’t control their emotions and be an adult. Some things will never change but those that do want change will certainly make it out alive and successful.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


In order to make this all make sense and make it all flow is coordination. I start with a grabber, but a grabber that mentions about how I started from point A and made it all the way through to point Z, with examples and references in between. this lets myself as well as the reader have a good sense of what is going on and how I got from here to there and how. As I read through and I fix what is needed and add or remove certain ideas so it flows well. I have to make sure I'm giving the audience exactly something they can relate too, feel it, and maybe even follow by example. I definitely hope to help someone who can't find solutions to any of their struggles, day in and day out. We have to remember we all not alone, we are a community who needs help from one another and guide us all in the right direction. 

Strategies of life, how you organize it

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Self Evaluation

With this idea of having student's evaluate themselves through their past, their families and struggles could give them a better sense of where they are in life this present moment and also to guide them into their future. Yes, I believe that each student should be able to take a step back and look into their "situation" at hand and figure out who they really are, what are my strengths, what are my weakness's. What support do I have, if any? Who is willing to support my if I do this or what if I do that? Sometimes it could be the complete opposite and no one is there for you, or no one is willing to help or support your decisions you make. Next question, if you don't have anyone to help you and you feel alone, do you still push on through and follow your dreams, of course. after a while I bet someone somewhere will see you and will be willing to help you along your path of success. I have noticed through my many struggles that if others around you see that your going well, they will help you. If your screwing up and always messing around and not taking things seriously, then no one will be willing to help a hand. for example, when I went back to school for the 4th time, no one thought I would stick with it, but after a year of making progress, I showed those who doubted me how good I was doing, showed them my grades and how much improvement I made and after that my family star\ted seeing a whole new person and they were willing to help, if and when they could. If you want the positive help and change you definitely have to work hard and earn it. it wasn't easy but in all it's definitely worth it all at the end.That's they way the cookie crumbles, that's just life.

Critiquing Education

I think as a student you definitely should be able to critique a school that you either attend or will be attending. To some student's education is very important and they actually want to learn as much as possible to make a better life for themselves or maybe to help their families. So in essence, yes i do feel us students should be able to evaluate our teachers and figure out which teacher could help benefit our education verses those teachers who just do their job and don't care much about the students and who learns what. In my case and may other's student who have learning disabilities and struggles in school should personally be able to get teachers who specialize in helping disability students. I'm eager to learn a lot about everything, this is reality, this is my life and I want to know about everything so I can further my direction and have a better vision on which direction I am heading and further more to challenge my fears of battling my learning disability. Which I have made a lot of progress, I am getting A's and B's and all by myself. No tutors or nothing, which makes my feel good and helps my self esteem. I'm here to help and tells those who have learning disabilities that it's ok, your going to make it, with just a little push from individuals like myself you too can feel as good as I do now, just keep on pushing through the speed bumps and you'll feel accomplished!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What type of student are you?

 All of your goals and dreams are different. Each of us are achieving our goals with many obstacles in between. We all have to start somewhere and mostly from the beginning. If we don't start from the beginning, you will end up in a dilemma worse than before. In order to build a house you have to start from the ground up. With education it's the same thing, keep going to school to better your chances of success.
  After watching this video, I consider myself a dreamer pushing through forming myself into this idea of a laser. I have found my strengths and weakness's through many battles I have faced throughout my journey. Which is helping me conquering my next task during my path of success. As of right now I wouldn't change much about what type of student I am today, because I have made progress and worked so hard to get to where I am today. I made many sacrifices and went without many things I needed or wanted just to make it where I am right now, so brace yourself, these things don't come easy, but it's definitely worth it all at the end. 

Check out this video, it's in reference to my what I just spoke about! 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Success is what it feel like!

What does Success mean to you?

Success is the greatest feeling over everything. it gives you this feeling of accomplishment and achievement. It's vibe is greatly appreciated all over the nation. Who wouldn't want o feel successful or someone close to you reaches success ad helps you through your struggles to get to where they are today. I absolutely have people all around me to motivate me, to strive me to achieve all my goals and to never ever give up.
Success is definitely something you feel, that you have after years of accomplishments. Its' this idea of overcoming an obstacle that you either thought you couldn't achieve or that you struggled so hard for and in the end you achieved that goals and that is what you call success!

  One idea of success that could make you or break you is economic success, having all the money, cars houses and all you could ever want in life. Having no worries in all, yes it was definitely a struggle or maybe it wasn't, but overall economic success could definitely go in both categories; this could make you a better person or this could just totally destroy your self confidence. Having too much pride and feeling like your unstoppable or no one is above you, a sense of cockyness as you could say. 
In fact having everything in the world, some people still feel like they dot have it all and want more out of life. 
For instance in the book Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer Chris talks about why he burned the money before he set off intot he wild his response was," I don't know how much more you can depend on"? Chris was discussing this was the hippy's wife and after she told him that you need to be cautions he replied as if he did care and just brushed it off like I don't need money to live in the woods. He destroys everything just for that reason to get away from society and civilization itself. Chir had it made, good education and came fro a good standing family who was willing to help and support him no matter what. Yet he still didn't feel like it had enough for him to be come successful. 

A second thought to this idea of how success feels or how it can damage you is personal issues like self improvement. Maybe you had a bad past and did a lot of things you shouldn't have and now you need to fix it all and make your oath a bit clearer to see down and enable yourself to become a success. This task maybe a hard or easy depending on how you take it as the individual. For myself I went  down a wrong path and it messed up alot for me and my future but I seen it, I caught it and I am still here standing today and here to tell you how. In Chris's case it didn't take him very long to branch out and literally become invisible and Chris situation sure pulled him far away from his family. In the book as well as the movie his sister mentions something specific and interesting, "Violence, we were forced to witness it." This was exactly why Chris did what he did. He felt ashamed or maybe a bastard if you will. His father was alier, unfaithful and just over all not a good father figure. His dad was living two different lives, literally he had another family. Previous marriage and a son, which Chris found out from other relative and totally dis-owned his own family. This is why people do the strange things they do to be come success or whatnot, the way you grow up tells a lot about who you are and what you may become.

Lastly we have this idea of resources, transportation for example, which involves money could certainly drive you up the latter to reach success or possibly down the latter and reach no success after all. Some people just don't have the means to send their children off to school, or college. Which is understandable, School or I should say College isn't for everyone. I know some people who didn't graduate college or even high school and have good paying jobs with benefits  to help them maintain. Maintaining sometimes gets discouraging, we all have wants and needs but our needs are important. In the movie Chris tells his parents how he doesn't want a new car, after they tell him they would get him one, "i don't' a new car, no material things, none at all." He didn't want a new car he was perfectly fine with the one he had. Which makes sense, material things come and go people don't. Money is so important for many reasons but we need a ruff over our heads and food in stomachs and clothes on our backs. Those are most important to us, without those life is certainly a struggle and could definitely prevent you from succeeding. In this movie/book Chris totally nails this idea to the tee. He come from a god family, went to a good school had a car and even had money, and yet he totally wasn't satisfied and live alone, anonymously in the wild where he felt safe and could find passion.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

FED up students

Closed mouths DON'T get feed.

After watching this video I wold LOVE to meet this guy, I totally agree with him with the idea that teachers should put way more effort in their job and teach us individuals what we need to know. This boy had went back to school at 18 years old and after having a disagreement this guy Jeff totally calls out the teacher and tells her how she's lazy and to actually do her job as the teacher, have a passion to help student that are eager to learn. If not then don't be a teacher, choose another job that fits you better. I see his point I also had to call a few teachers out myself here at Chabot College. Teachers feel like were lazy and were the ones half-assing things yet it's on them as the teacher to help us want to learn, have fun with it, make it so we enjoy coming everyday. I know I enjoy Mr.McFarlands class, because he makes it interesting, he's real, he's been one of us at one time and he has a passion to for helping others succeed. Thats what us students need! 

Something interesting that happened was the boy never got in trouble, this video went viral and even on the news, I think this is what the world needed was for someone to finally stand up and say "Hey, were here to learn and to better ourselves and to become someone", and by teachers being lazy and not actually doing their jobs, they make us students have the same affect and thats not what us children need, we need strong, eager to teach and help others in need, especially those that want to succeed. 

This guy just blew me away when I first watched it, but it's real, I feel like I'm there, Can You Feel it?